​Michael Gove reportedly refused to pay £5 to get into Scottish nightclub - News - Mixmag

​Michael Gove reportedly refused to pay £5 to get into Scottish nightclub

The Conservative front-bencher argued that his position in government meant he shouldn't be paying an entry fee

  • Gemma Ross
  • 31 August 2021
​Michael Gove reportedly refused to pay £5 to get into Scottish nightclub

“I'm the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster,” argued Michael Gove when he reportedly refused to pay £5 to enter an Aberdeen nightclub this weekend.

The Conservative cabinet minister attended Bohemia in Aberdeen on Saturday night, with staff reporting that he refused to pay the entry fee of £5. Gove claimed his title as an excuse to get in for free.

Adam Taylor told The Daily Record that he was “welcoming people at the door of O'Neill's for the launch of 'Pipe', our new club night and art organisation,” before Michael Gove casually walked past him without paying the fee.

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He then told Mixmag that Gove didn't show him any proof of vaccination or valid COVID test, despite being "an enthusiastic backer of COVID passports," stating, "he certainly never showed me any proof of anything."

He went on to say that Gove was inebriated after drinking downstairs, and that “he shouldn't have to pay because he is the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.”

According to The Express, Michael Gove’s net worth was calculated at around £1.6 million this year but could go up to £3 million.

Adam Taylor said that he gave up asking the millionaire for the entry fee, so opted to discuss his taste in music instead. “Feeling like it was a losing battle as he was already halfway up the stairs I asked him if he liked dance music.”

He told Gove that the DJ was playing jungle and ghettotech upstairs — but the 160+ BPM tunes weren’t enough to put him off. “'I LOVE dancing’,” he allegedly told Taylor, “and did he ever."

“If he wants another freebie next time I'd hope he supports us in our goal of helping provide a greater diversity for Aberdeen cultural life,” continued Taylor.

Gove cracked out some very special dance moves on the big night. Video evidence has emerged of the Tory MP dancing with strangers, who reportedly tried to chat politics with the drunken 54-year-old.

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Some even supposedly paid for Gove’s drinks, while others filmed the intoxicated MP who was described as having “had a good few good shandies.”

“He spent the next hour and a half dancing almost non-stop despite the other, paying, patrons often looking to engage him in spirited discussions about his government's policies. I guess I'm glad he enjoyed it,” said Taylor, also admitting that he'd let him in free for life if he could use his influence for small clubs and businesses to thrive.

Nina Stanger, who was DJing upstairs reportedly had a shock when she saw the MP — “Seeing Nina's face when she realised who her biggest new fan was priceless and it definitely made the evening more memorable."

Gemma Ross is Mixmag's Digital Intern, follow her on Twitter

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