A Broadway musical based on Burning Man is out tomorrow - News - Mixmag

A Broadway musical based on Burning Man is out tomorrow

The Broadway show was recorded during lockdown

  • Tope Olufemi
  • 26 August 2021
A Broadway musical based on Burning Man is out tomorrow

A new Broadway musical based on Burning Man is coming this week.

The new comedy titled Burning Man: The Musical, and is inspired by the Nevada festival's 90s heyday and its billionaire takeover.

Burning Man takes place yearly in Black Rock City with thousands taking to the desert to exchange skills and services while taking in live music and various other performances.

Read this next: Burning Man 2021 has been cancelled

In the musical - Molly, a new hire to a fictional company, visits Black Rock City, to attend a site described as a ‘temporary metropolis’ before chaos ensues at the new firm she’s joined.

Matt Werner is at the helm of the project, with Gene Beck composing a score for the show and Ari Grooves providing choreography.

The musical was filmed on a vacant soundstage during the height of the pandemic, at a point where theatres had been closed and live events were not possible and will be available from August 27 on Broadway on Demand for $7.99 to rent and $19.99 to buy.

Read this next: Burning Man to host a virtual festival this year

Burning Man has been cancelled for the past two years due to COVID, with organisers opting for an online event running from August 22 to September 7.

In 2019, the festival saw over 80,000 visitors, marking the largest turnout for the event since it began in 1986.

Tope Olufemi is Mixmag’s Digital Intern, follow them on Twitter

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