10 things you don't want to hear in the club - Lists - Mixmag

10 things you don't want to hear in the club

Leave it out guys, please

  • Words: Funster & Louis | Models: Mixmag Rave Crew
  • 5 May 2017
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8 "I'm going for another ciggie"

As stated in our Shazam feature recently, the ruthless grasp that cigarettes hold over the raver has always been an unavoidable annoyance. The music is amazing but you're craving a little white stick. No real problems there, right? Well it depends. If you're one those people that chains a ciggie, goes to the dancefloor for 2 minutes then goes back, then you're at fault. Worse still, there are people out there who just spend the entire time in the smoking area, like, all night? The key word in "I'm going for another ciggie" is "another". If the frequency of this cigarette smoking is more than one every half an hour, you need to get down the local GP for a stop smoking kit because you're killing our buzz, man.

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