
​One in three have experienced discrimination on a night out, according to new study

2,300 music fans were surveyed across the globe

According to a new report conducted by Ballantine’s, one in three music fans have experienced discrimination on the dancefloor, while a further 84% have witnessed it.

The whisky brand launched a new study named "Resetting The Dancefloor" this month, surveying 2,300 people from across the globe in an effort to highlight discrimination in the music industry.

Out of those surveyed, three quarters say they would now speak out if they are the victim or witness of discrimination affecting those with intersectional identities including gender, sexuality, race and ability.

Ballantine’s believe that the lockdown gave people an opportunity to reflect on such situations and strive toward doing more for their peers. By "resetting" the industry after 18 months away, now is "the best time" to educate, according to the company.

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Tom Elton, Ballantine’s Head of Music, said: “As the world begins to emerge from the pandemic, we have the opportunity to press the ‘reset’ button and club together to rebuild a music culture for everyone.

“We all have a part to play in the journey to creating a truly inclusive music industry and this is just the start.”

A further 63% of people surveyed said they would be more likely to consider an event if the line-up is diverse, compared to a year ago. Many festivals and events are now pushing for more diversity in bookings.

Ballantine’s are now launching a six-figure fund to help underrepresented communities in music, while also hosting conversations within the industry to prompt change.

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Honey Dijon, a key spokesperson in the forthcoming conversations, commented: “All of these things we’re fighting for - diverse line-ups, diverse dancefloors - this is simply us wanting our humanity and our creativity to be considered as worthy as other people’s.”

Ballantine’s are incentivising change by pushing for diverse programming, fair payment, and inclusive dancefloors. The True Music Fund application will open in October. Find out more here.

Gemma Ross is Mixmag's Digital Intern, follow her on Twitter