The Lab

salute in The Lab LDN

Get ready for some tasty summertime tunes

The Lab LDN is Mixmag and Coors’ weekly live stream, powered by Void Acoustics, where we showcase the finest DJs direct from our world famous office party.

On Friday, May 14, we’re excited to showcase salute.

Austrian-born, Manchester-based producer salute never fails to head up the party with his classic 4/4 beats, recently weaving his way into the realms of UKG with his latest singles ‘Want U There’ and ‘Feel The Same’. salute’s appetite for dubstep, R&B, jazz and gospel have all influenced his current sound, which is now taking the UK dance scene by storm.

At just 24-years-old, the producer has already delivered two albums - ‘My Heart’ and ‘Condition’, the latter being a three-part record released gradually throughout 2018 and 2019.

salute’s latest track ‘Want U There’ is out now, available to buy from Bandcamp.

Catch the stream from 6pm BST on Friday, May 14. Tune in over on our Facebook page and watch below on MixmagTV.