The United States holds the title for most record shops in the world - News - Mixmag

The United States holds the title for most record shops in the world

Followed closely by the UK and Germany

  • Valerie Lee
  • 10 November 2017

According to a survey conducted by Discogs and VinylHub, the United States currently hosts the most record shops compared to other countries around the world. With reports about vinyl sales continuing to increase specifically in the United States even in the age of digital streaming, it's unsurprising that vinyl-selling businesses are booming.

An impressive 1,482 record shops are in operation in the United States, leading by a landslide ahead of subsequent countries. The UK follows with 537 and Germany with 453.

Unsurprisingly, a closer look reveals that the top record shop owning cities in the US are New York (47), Chicago (30) and Los Angeles (29). However, internationally, Tokyo reigns as the city with the most record shops with 93, followed closely behind by Berlin with 87 and London with 89.

Find a full breakdown at Discog's posthere.

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