Apple Music hits 10 million subscribers - Tech - Mixmag

Apple Music hits 10 million subscribers

​Apple Music has reportedly reached 10 million subscribers

  • Taylor McCormick
  • 11 January 2016
Apple Music hits 10 million subscribers

In just six months Apple's streaming service has reached the same milestone that Swedish brand Spotify took six years to reach.

If a Financial Times report is correct then Apple has gained more than one subscriber every couple of seconds since it launched in June of last year.

However, it is worth noting that Apple Music launched in over 100 countries and was automatically downloaded to all iPhones with the iOS update whereas Spotify did not reach the US market until 2011, five years after it's launch. Spotify pioneered music streaming and lay foundations for all newer applications to build upon so surely a faster rate of growth is to be expected.

But Spotify doesn't seem troubled by the competition, with a reported user base of 75 million, of which 20 million are paying customers.

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