New study shows most unique US drug slang broken down by state
Keeping tabs on the growing catalog of drug-related jargon
A recent study conducted by the drug education platform Project Know has broken down how drug terminology for cocaine, LSD, xanax, MDMA, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine varies from state-to-state.
Surveying a total of 1,150 American men and women and questioning them on their evolving vernacular, the study aims to dissect how various terminologies for illicit substances differ in terms of geography, generation and gender. The surprising results show that between millennials, generation x-ers and baby boomers, “no generations used the same unique terms for the drugs surveyed.” While looking at how genders used drug-jargon differently, the study claims that “men had more obscure terminology, while women used more common epithets.”
Through the use of graphics, the study also shows where these nicknames are learned and how each state gravitates towards different terminology. With a participant sample of this size which stretches across all age groups and demographics, we are taking the results of this survey with a grain of salt. Regardless, the study’s graphics are engaging, informative and you may very well find some new drug-slang that you’ve never even heard of before.
View the full study here.
Check out the graphics below