July: 10 trance releases you need to hear this month
Ferry Corsten, Sunny Lax, Firestorm and more
Album of the month
Ferry Corsten 'Blueprint' (Flashover)
Ferry Corsten’s artist albums always sound completely different. While his 2003 debut ‘Right Of Way’ was pure trance, he later fell out of love with the genre and produced the electro-inspired ‘L.E.F.’ before returning to more traditional sounds on ‘Twice In A Blue Moon’ and ‘WKND’. His fifth record is a sci-fi concept album and, by his own admission, his most ambitious yet. Composed with the help of screenwriter David H Miller (House
Of Cards, Rosewood), it tells its story not just through its lyrics but with narration from actor Campbell Scott (The Amazing Spider-Man The Exorcism Of Emily Rose) and intelligent composition. An atmospheric and powerful record with futuristic FX, it’s a truly explorative journey.