Get to know Nadia Rose
The latest grime MC out of South London
Until last year, Nadia Rose was splitting her time between university and a dull job in a high street bookmakers. Eventually, the 22-year-old realised she was giving more time to helping put bets on the horses than her preferred career.
“It was tearing me up,” she admits now. Having previously scribbled lyrics on the back of betting slips, Rose quit her job in order to focus on music, eventually signing with Sony. “My parents were worried that I was putting all my eggs in one basket,” she says, but they understood. Music runs in the family: her dad was a DJ and MC around South London, and her cousin is none other than grime don Stormzy.
Rose suggests that another cousin could follow her into the business, but right now, it’s all about her. Having impressed with early singles ‘Station’ and ‘Boom’, there’s now an EP on the way.