8 DJs tell us about their very first trip to Ibiza
If these headline DJs’ early experiences are anything to go by, expect madness
First trip to Ibiza this year? If these headline DJs' early experiences are anything to go by, expect madness. And be grateful you aren't sleeping in a Fiat Panda with two others...
Sven Väth
"In 1980, I was 16 and I hitchhiked from Frankfurt to Barcelona. I tossed a coin to decide whether I'd stay in Barcelona or go to Ibiza. The coin flip sent me to Ibiza. I suppose the following three months fashioned the rest of my life. Clubs without roofs, music I had not heard before from people like Pippi, Cesar and Alfredo, and a vibrant sense of colour, life, warmth and freedom everywhere I looked. It was the closest I ever came to becoming a fully paid-up hippy! For the next three months I slept in the pine forests on a deckchair I had liberated. I was inspired and in love with the place and the people."
Carl Cox
"The first time I went to Ibiza was in 1985. When my girlfriend at the time and my sister Pamela got to the island we got enough cash together to buy a Fiat Panda. It was very basic: no air-con, no tinted windows, nothing. But it did have a seat that turned into a bed! We took a dirt road from the airport to San Antonio – it was the first time I'd ever driven on the wrong side of the road. For the first two days my sister, my girlfriend and I slept in the car park opposite Eden, beside Es Paradis. The nights were cool, but when the sun came up the Fiat turned into a green-
house! It was ridiculous, I couldn't even be with my girlfriend because my sister was with us in the car. So we scraped the last of our cash together and booked into a hostel in the West End above a karaoke pub. It was noisy, chaotic and nasty, but it was a luxury compared to the car!"