Study finds that ChatGPT is the most-used AI tool for musicians - Tech - Mixmag

Study finds that ChatGPT is the most-used AI tool for musicians

A new survey by Pirate reveals that 30% of artists use AI for songwriting and composition

  • Words: Becky Buckle | Photo: Pixabay
  • 19 December 2023
Study finds that ChatGPT is the most-used AI tool for musicians

A new study has found that ChatGPT is the favoured artificial intelligence (AI) tool for musicians with 30% of artists using AI for songwriting and composition.

In a new survey carried out by Pirate, it asked 1000 musicians on their top 10 AI tools for music production.

ChatGPT was at the top of the list with one participate explaining that they use the tool to “generate melodic lyrics, rhymes, and variations that seamlessly fit my melody."

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Another person explained that ChatGPT is also useful for technical solutions as they added: "I used ChatGPT to help create specific plugin settings, replicating sounds and instruments from existing songs."

Other tools on the list include OZONE11 at number 2 for being “best for mastering music,” at number 3 is LALAL.AI for being “best for separating stems for remixing and sampling,” and at number 4 is BandLab SongStarter as it is “best for inspiration, support for beginners, writers' block”.

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This study says that it has seen a “revolutionary shift” in the music industry’s use of AI with 25% of the case study already incorporating AI into their studio work and 72% of which reporting a positive experience with AI tools.

Pirate asked where the musicians found AI most helpful in the stages of music creation with 30% of musicians found AI useful during songwriting and composition, 21% used AI for research and inspiration, 12% for beat and rhythm creation, and 10% for mastering tracks.

The top ten list of best AI tools used by musicians is available to read in full here. And check out the data on how musicians use AI below.

Becky Buckle is Mixmag's Multimedia Editor, follow her on Twitter

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