Soulsavers - Albums - Mixmag




  • Stephen Worthy
  • 4 December 2015

Soulsavers have recently been working with some standout names in the mainstream and alternative rock/pop scene. But while they're fresh from dishing up a grandiose alt-rock collab with Depeche Mode's Dave Gahan, 'Kubrick' couldn't be any more different.

As its title hints, it's a paean to the great movie auteur Stanley Kubrick, as the director's most famous characters are reimagined in symphonic form.

'Hal', the computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey, is celebrated with a gentle, slo-mo waltz of ghostly piano, while the brooding malevolence of 'DeLarge' from A Clockwork Orange is portrayed in emotional fashion: its heavy bass drum hits just like the billy clubs Alex and the Droogs wielded.

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