Raekwon to headline So Fresh So Clean third birthday - News - Mixmag

Raekwon to headline So Fresh So Clean third birthday

The Wu-Tang Clan member will be at London's KOKO on March 27

  • Patrick Swift
  • 27 February 2016

Easter Sunday will see Raekwon head to the UK capital to perform tracks from the classic Wu-Tang Clan album 'Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)'.

On the night, Rae will be joined by Harry Love, Daniel Hills, The Menendez Brothers and So Fresh Co Clean residents.

Hip-hop karaoke will be happening in the second room all night, so get involved if you know you've got bars.

Tickets for the party on March 27 can be purchased here.

Patrick Swift is Mixmag's Weekend Editor, follow him on Twitter

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