New study proves beer tastes better with music - News - Mixmag

New study proves beer tastes better with music

Thank you, science

  • Emmanuel Grima
  • 1 August 2016

According to this new study, beer has been proven to taste better when paired with music. Particularly when the song is one we know.

More than simply making us enjoy the beer more, the researchers from Belgium, Oxford, and the Netherlands have found that specific characteristics of the music can lead to certain aspects of the beer becoming more obvious, such as bitterness, sweetness, sourness and creaminess. For example, a prominent piano line in one of the songs used in the experiment led to an effect on the perceived levels of sweetness.

A random shuffle on Youtube won’t make those tins taste any better unfortunately, as "people tend to like the sound-beer experience more when there is a clear—and positive—interaction between sound and taste."

Promoters take note - play good music and people might be willing to pay for your overpriced beers.

Head over to International Business Times for an interview with the researchers.

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