Musicians’ Union call for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East" - News - Mixmag

Musicians’ Union call for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East"

The MU Executive Comittee agree to donate to the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra which educates young Israeli and Palestinian musicians

  • Words: Becky Buckle | Photo: Steve Eason
  • 19 December 2023
Musicians’ Union call for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East"

The UK’s Musicians’ Union (MU) have released a statement on the Israel and Palestine conflict calling for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”.

In a meeting with MU’s Executive Committee it has been agreed to make a donation to the Red Cross to support humanitarian efforts on the ground in Israel and Palestine as well as, to donate to the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra which educates young Israeli and Palestinian musicians.

The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra according to the MU has seen its members are “directly affected” by conflict.

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The MU add: “The orchestra's purpose has always been to bring individuals impacted by war together through music. In an increasingly polarised world, the ability to listen to and understand the pain of others is ever more important.”

Explaining its plan to donate to both charities it adds: “We call for an end to war and violence.”

Further into the statement it explains its support for a ceasefire: “We support the TUC and UN call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East and strongly urge the international community to make all efforts to ensure that international law is upheld and all civilians are protected.”

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The MU continue: “At the MU, we are aware of members being directly and indirectly impacted by events in the Middle East. We condemn the rise in hate that we know is happening in this country and the discrimination, harassment and cancelled work that members are facing as a result.

“Antisemitic and Islamophobic behaviour is never acceptable. The abuse that has been directed at Jewish and Islamic communities in the UK, in some cases masquerading as solidarity, is abhorrent.”

Read the full statement made by the Musician’s Union here.

Becky Buckle is Mixmag's Multimedia Editor, follow her on Twitter

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