Kanye has the title for his next album - News - Mixmag

Kanye has the title for his next album

He's already on to the next one after 'The Life of Pablo'

  • Mixmag Staff
  • 27 February 2016

Just a mere few weeks after releasing his seventh LP 'The Life of Pablo', Kanye West is already discussing his next album. Not one to remain idle, the rapper took to his Twitter to announce that his eighth full-length effort will be called 'Turbo Grafx 16' as a nostalgic nod to the video game system which was popularized in the late 80s.

Seeing as he changed his most recent album's name multiple times - making the final switch just hours before its release - there's no guarantee that the next release will actually be shared as 'Turbo Grafx 16'.

Kanye explained that the console game 'Blazing Lazers' was his favorite as a kid, and he used to play with a friend named Mali at his mom's house.

Who knows? We might see the Drake and Future collaboration tracks that he revealed existed on 'Turbo Grafx 16'. We'll just have to wait and see.

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