Four Tet shares a 'Randoms' compilation - News - Mixmag

Four Tet shares a 'Randoms' compilation

Tracks range from 1996 to 2003 releases

  • Mixmag staff
  • 21 June 2016

Four Tet has released a new nine-track compilation aptly titled 'Randoms', which is made up of tracks that date all the way back to 1996.

'Randoms' was released on Bandcamp here and is being offered as a choose-what-you-donate download.

The album consists of tracks that range from the '96 release of 'Field', which was the first ever Leaf Records' 'Invisible Soundtracks' compilation Four Tet released to the most recent 'Gillie Amma I Love You' from 2003.

"As time passes I look back at this music and find the context it was originally put in often feels a bit random now," the UK artist explained. "So I have put together this new album called Randoms that brings together this music in a different way."

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