Damon Albarn: "Gorillaz album should be ready fairly soon" - News - Mixmag

Damon Albarn: "Gorillaz album should be ready fairly soon"

Expect the band to be back together this year

  • Dave Turner
  • 19 July 2016

We know a Gorillaz album is on the way but when is a release date actually going to be confirmed?

Although originally said to be coming out this year, the band's illustrator Jamie Hewlett said in June that it's been pushed back to 2017. Now, though, Damon Albarn has suggested it could be coming out this year after all by saying the animated primates will be back together "later in the year".

Albarn also added that the record, the band's fifth LP, "should be ready fairly soon" when talking to BBC 6 Music.

They also recently re-uploaded some classic videos and the currently untitled new album may well feature a collaboration with the late David Bowie.

[Via: FACT]
[Image: Jamie Hewlett]

Dave Turner is Mixmag's Digital News Editor, follow him on Twitter

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