Kappa Futur: The tracks that stunned 30,000 ravers
The Italian festival blew us away, for real
There can be something very special about experiencing a festival for the very first time. Like the first time you go to Glastonbury and walk to the top of the site to the Stone Circle and look out in awe at the holy fields before you. Or when you venture to Mannheim, Germany and enter Time Warp's outrageous main tunnel where the lights, sounds and crowd are overwhelmingly impressive. It's these sorts of experiences that make going to festivals and travelling far and wide to the world's must-see events worthwhile and two weeks ago we added another to our long list.
Kappa Futur Festival in Turin, Italy is one of those eye-popping raves that stay with you for a long time. Held in Parca Dora, a post-industrial site located right in the heart of the city, the festival started in 2012 and since then has become one of the most talked about parties on the planet. Around 30,000 people attend the two-day event and with the Main Stage housing around 25,000 of those dancers, the spectacle is something to behold.
The dwarfing, engulfing stripping hangar where the likes of Ben Klock, Sven Väth, Marco Carola and Solomun all rolled out sets is one of the most spectacular things we've ever seen. The roars after drops are deafening, the soundsystems are crisp and bellowing and the crowd resembles an endless sea of people, all having the times of their lives and throwing caution to the wind. Add to this some nearly 40 degree heat and one of the best line-ups in house and techno and you truly have a setting worthy of an electronic epiphany. If this video of Nina Kraviz in the depths of the night dropping weird techno and trance doesn't get your blood bumping then you may be dead inside.
It's not just the main stage that draws your attention though. There are two more stages, the Dora stage and the House stage. The House stage played host to, yep you guessed it, some of the best names in house music and more specifically, some absolute legends. Kings Of House (David Morales, Tony Humphries, Louie Vega) played nine hours on the Saturday and on Sunday Kerri Chandler and Danny Tenaglia rolled their trademark beats.
The Dora Stage however is what had most people grooving when they weren't searching for their dropped jaws on the Main Stage. Raresh and Ricardo Villalobos truly showcased why they're two of the slickest DJs on road. Raresh expertly and seamlessly threw down two hours of sublime Romanian tech before Ricky V stepped up and filled in for Margaret Dygas. Cue six hours of fire from the don, and although his mixing was as choppy as usual, not even the rocket of a spliff he was smoking could throw any of his blends out. He was so on point. Factor in a groove-laden extravaganza from Apollonia and some dub-techno heat from Nastia and the Dora Stage had proved that it's not all about size, it's about style and stature.
It's a cliché thing to say that a festival has 'something for everyone' although there isn't really a better way of describing Kappa Futur without mentioning its range across the board. We're still glowing after our experience there and it's gone down as one of our favourite festivals this year. The Italians know how to host a fucking party and we were thrilled to be their guests.
Here are a selection of the tracks that stunned the masses in Torino. We'll be back for more and we're sure anyone else who was there will be too. Time Warp, Eat your heart out.