
A nightclub in Halifax is selling off pieces of its notorious sticky carpet for charity

“It’s gone really, really mental,”

Acapulco nightclub in Halifax is selling its renowned sticky carpet in chunks after a joke suggestion became a fully realised crowdfunder.

The nightclub has been around since 1961 and claims to be one of "the oldest clubs in Britain" with its trademark colourful sticky carpet arriving in 2003.

The owner of ‘The Acca’ told The Guardian that the carpet become unfairly maligned yet wished for its reputation to be used for good.

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What started as a “tongue-in-cheek joke” of selling the carpet saw them sell 100 pieces of the carpet within an hour.

“It’s gone really, really mental,” said Jackson. “We thought we would be chucking most of it but we’ve had to pull some bits out of the skip if I’m honest. It’s going great guns.”

People can get their own A4 section of the sticky carpet for £5.00 and for £50.00 a framed engraved piece.

Customers are also able to select a particular area of the clubs from the bar to the bathroom.

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One fan of Acapulco has asked if they could scatter their grandmother’s ashes in the club.

Special offers at the club include 75p drinks before 11:PM and free entry to the first 200 clubbers.

All proceeds are going towards local charity Street Angels which check on the welfare of partygoers.

Check out the sale here.

Becky Buckle is Mixmag's Digital Intern, follow her on Twitter