
Sónar send music to outer space to celebrate 25th birthday

Nina Kraviz, Autechre and Kerri Chandler are going to space

Barcelona festival Sónar is celebrating its 25th anniversary next year by sending music to outer space.

Specifically composed pieces of music will be transmitted to a planet 12.4 light-years from earth called GJ 237b as part of the festival’s birthday. It’s the first time communication has been attempted with a potentially habitable exoplanet.

Nina Kraviz, Kerri Chandler, Autechre, Laurent Garnier, The Black Madonna, Fatima Al Qadiri, Soichi Terada and Kode 9 are among the 33 artists contributing pieces of music and Sónar is looking for at least three members of the public to contribute.

One transmission has already been made to GJ 237b from the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association in Norway and another is scheduled in April.

Sónar chose GJ 237b, otherwise known as Luyten’s Star b, because of the potential of receiving a transmission back in 25 years.

Sónar 2018 takes place June 14 to 16.

You can listen to the pieces of music artists sent here.

Watch a video on the project below.