
Secretsundaze is kicking off Easter weekend at Colour Factory

Secretsundaze is taking Alex Kassian and Dee Diggs to the East London venue

Secretsundaze is kicking off Easter weekend with a party at East London venue Colour Factory.

The London party is taking Berlin-based producer Alex Kassian and New York's Dee Diggs (pictured) to Colour Factory in Hackney Wick on April 6.

Alex Kassian will be playing back-to-back with Secretsundaze's very own James Priestley. Also on the bill are Stella & The Longos, who play live and make their UK debut, Amsterdam DJ Suze Ijó, Macca and Meg Paine.

This party precedes two more Secretsundaze parties in the coming months, the first being their Festival Of Dance at The Cause on May 6 with the likes of Beautiful Swimmers, CCL, Manuel Darquart, Livwutang and more playing, and their multi-venue event in Hackney Wick on July 8.

Grab tickets for their party this Thursday here.

[Photo: Sam Presser]