
Nicolás Jaar opens two new grant programs for young aspiring artists

LADRIDOS will support Spanish speaking artists in America whilst OVERTONES will help artists in Los Angeles

Nicolás Jaar alongside his label Other People are introducing two grants for young aspiring artists.

OVERTONES and LADRIDOS are both eight-week grant programs that include $4,375 per participant.

Both schemes will provide music industry standard education as well as Ableton production and creative guidance from Jaar.

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LADRIDOS will be available for Spanish speaking people living in America whilst OVERTONES will support those in the Los Angeles area, with a priority to help underserved communities.

OVERTONES is also partnering with the new non-profit grant system named The Rising Artist Foundation meaning that each participant can receive funds to cover health insurance costs for the duration of the workshop.

These workshops are also said to include special guests to support the learning process.

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For LADRIDOS, Jaar is working with Chilean electronic music publication Grieta which will also handle the industry-focused sessions, centering on the question: ¿Qué significa ser de aquí? (What does it mean to be from here?) with OVERTONES.

To enter the grant program apply for OVERTONES here before May 13 or LADRIDOS here before June 13.

Becky Buckle is Mixmag's Digital Intern, follow her on Twitter