
Mixcloud launches new 'fan-to-creator' service Select

The service from Mixcloud allows fans to directly support artists

Mixcloud has launched a new 'fan-to-creator' subscription service called Select.

Listeners subscribe to their favourite channels, directly supporting them and the music they play.

Upon subscription, fans can download music for offline listening and view up-front tracklists, while contributing towards license fees and royalties.

Starting at $2.99 a month, artists are free to set their own price, receiving a share of profits from their subscriptions, while artists, labels and publishers played in their shows receive royalty revenue.

Mixcloud says there are additional features to come, including exclusive content and direct messaging with subscribers.

Speaking of increased engagement and loyalty between artists and listeners, co-founder Nico Perez said: "These fans can now take the next step by directly supporting creators’ livelihoods"

Check out Mixcloud's study of the most popular genres in each US state here.