
A student imported €10,000 of ecstasy after watching a YouTube tutorial

The Irish student watched a tutorial about how to buy drugs off the dark web

A student imported €10,000 of ecstasy after watching a YouTube tutorial.

Police say that 25-year-old college student Jack McInerney decided to buy the drug from the dark web after overhearing "a few lads" talking about it.

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McInerney made the purchase “after he heard a few lads in college talking about it and he watched a tutorial video on YouTube on how buy drugs on the ‘dark web’” a court in Ireland was told.

McInerney ordered two separate packages containing 175g of MDMA each and had them sent to an address belonging to a friend of a friend.

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He spent €4000 on the order, which has a street value of €10,000 according to a report in the Sunday World.

A drugs charge against McInerney, who is from County Clare, was struck out by Judge Patrick Durcan at Ennis District Court after McInerney paid €5000 to the Court Discretionary Fund.

In court, Judge Durcan said McInerney "made a stupid decision and the only redeemable factor in this case was the decision was so stupid, really stupid.”

The judge also said that McInerney “is not a criminal and has not been involved with criminals” and that he was “not part of a criminal conspiracy to import drugs”, rather he used drugs "and an easy way of dealing with that was getting cash by running a little mini-mart for his friends”.

McInerney has no previous convictions and his solicitor says he “has redeemed as much as a human being can”.

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