
Lithuanian president responds to Ten Walls

Dalia Grybauskaitė​ said "The sooner Lithuania becomes more open and more tolerant, the better it will be for the country"

Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė has responded to Ten Walls' homophobic Facebook rant, saying the country will benefit as a result of the discussions about intolerance that it has triggered.

Speaking in the capital of Vilnius, Grybauskaitė told journalists: "I believe the incident benefits the state in a way that, in this country, we are becoming more and more open in our discussions about how insular we are, our intolerance of people who are different, as well as homophobia.

"I believe discussions are a healthy thing, we need more of them, as the sooner Lithuania becomes more open and more tolerant, the better it will be for the country."

Earlier this week the 'Walking With Elephants' producer outraged just about everybody when he referred to LGBTIs as people "of a different breed" among other heinous remarks in a since-deleted post. He was dropped from a slew of festivals in the aftermath and has now apologised and cancelled all upcoming shows.