
Ibiza’s pilot rave set for Hard Rock Hotel

The pilot hopes to discover the best way to go forward with nightlife on the island

Friday, June 25, is the date set for Ibiza’s clubbing pilot event at the Hard Rock Hotel.

2000 key workers will attend Children of the 80s, the flagship party at the venue, in order to test for the safest possible way to return to nightlife in Ibiza.

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The event is free to attend, with a number of protocols that must be followed to guarantee entry. Attendees must have proof of at least a single dose of the vaccine, must have COVID-19 antibodies, or must present a negative PCR test in order to be allowed into the venue.

These protocols will be followed up with testing two weeks after the event in order to understand the effect of the event on COVID-19 outbreaks, in terms of transmissions and infections.

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Depending on the results of the pilot test, venues could re-open and nightlife could continue with restrictions from mid-July. 3:AM curfews, limits on dancefloor capacities and other restrictions are being considered, with the Balearic Business Association pushing for an extension on this curfew.

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The UK recently did similar tests on nightlife which have shown promising results, but with the formation of a new COVID variant, England's re-opening date of June 21 is in jeopardy.

Tope Olufemi is Mixmag's Digital Intern, follow them on Twitter here