
Gwent Police shut down illegal rave in forest due to ‘deafening’ music

Vehicles and music equipment were seized by police but no arrests were made

Gwent Police were called on Saturday night to disperse an illegal rave in the Welsh town of Abercarn after locals complained the music was "deafening."

Officers broke up the crowd of ravers seizing vehicles and music equipment but did not make any arrests.

Locals from the Gwyddon Valley community called the police as they claimed that they were disturbed by the rave that took place in a nearby forest.

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Gwent Police served a Section 63 notice to the ravers by directing them to leave the area.

Superintendent Vicki Townsend said that police use Section 63 notices to close events and "prevent any escalation, seize equipment and prosecute organisers".

People on Twitter wrote: “I am over 7 miles away from this and had to put up with it all night.”

The same Twitter account added: “Can anyone explain why it was actually allowed to carry on until 10:AM this morning after having woken me up at 3:AM?”

More people commented on Gwent Police’s Facebook post claiming the event was “deafening”.

Others had more positive outlooks on the rave: “As a mother of two teenagers I feel sorry for young people nowadays! Nowhere for them to go and just be young and have fun! When I was younger we had so many rave venues and they were the best years of my life.”

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Local Councillor, Denver Preece, told ITV that his night was disturbed by noise from the event.

He said: "There's not many people that want to hear rampaging music at three o'clock in the morning - they'd much prefer to be asleep. And it woke me up and if it woke me up, it could wake anyone up.

"Not a lot of consideration was given to the local community."

Preece and a fellow councillor inspected the site of the rave on Monday morning and could not find any sign of litter.

Read Gwent Police's full statement here.

[Via: ITV]

Becky Buckle is Mixmag's Digital Intern, follow her on Twitter