
Goldie calls for greater arts support during MBE awards ceremony

He received the honour at Buckingham Palace last night

Drum ‘n’ bass pioneer Goldie, real name Clifford Price, was awarded an MBE by Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace last night in recognition of his contribution the UK’s music scene. (image below)

The Metalheadz boss used the platform to publicly urge the government to provide more support for arts in the UK, echoing the objective of charities such as Arts Emergency that aim to oppose the reduction of arts funding.

Price, who grew up in the West Midlands’ care system, said: "Music and art well and truly saved my life really - the light switched on when I discovered art.

“Art and music is so important for young people - the arts need to be supported and I think there are so many Clifford Prices out there like me."

Reflecting on his award and future plans, he added: "It's a bit of a shocker but a very, very beautiful thing to happen. I think it also stands for what you can achieve - anything really.

"This is where the work begins really, because it's a case of what's next, what can we do, and not sit on one's laurels. It's really important to understand it's nice to be recognised but it's also nice to say 'That can work as leverage to make things better and change things'."

[Via: BT]

Patrick Hinton is Mixmag’s Digital Inter, follow him on Twitter here