
A petition calling for any Brexit deal to protect touring musicians has been launched

It's gained more than 17,000 signatures so far

An online petition calling for protections for touring musicians and music industry crew under any agreed Brexit deal has launched.

The petition currently has over 17,500 signatures, and needs a total of 100,000 to be considered for a debate in parliament. The deadline for this petition is April 18, 2020.

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The accompanying message states:: "We'd like to see any Brexit Deal contain mutual, temporary exceptions on work permits, driving permits and customs allowances, covering the duration of tours in order to guarantee the survival of the touring industry, protecting both jobs and the UK's reputation for exporting talent."

The page also adds that Brexit "may also affect European artists decision to include the UK on their tours". Consequently, the UK could see less acts travelling over to perform if a deal that considers artists is not agreed upon.

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In an interview with The Guardian, Chief Executive of UK Music, Michael Dugher stated: “Most artists operate on tiny margins and the prospect of extra cost and bureaucracy would kill their ability to tour, develop their talent and build their fanbase.”

With the lack of transparency about what outcomes Brexit will actually have, musicians are growing increasingly nervous about potential hindrances to their careers. A ‘No-deal Brexit’ could be a disaster for upcoming and current artists, with touring under this circumstance being described as being ‘simply unviable’ for the vast majority.

The Government have just recently released a guide for ‘touring Europe if there’s no Brexit deal’. The guide offers vital information on the best way to embark on a tour if Brexit goes through without a deal.

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To join the cause, you can sign the petition here.

Kirsten Pringle is a freelance writer, follow her on Twitter

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