
€15 million worth of coke ended up in Berlin's Aldi supermarkets yesterday

Police say the 386kg batch arrived from Colombia

Aldi supermarkets in Berlin had some unexpected deliveries yesterday.

While we were sitting around nursing our Bank Holiday hangovers, staff at 14 of the discount stores in Germany were treated to a white surprise when their batch of bananas arrived.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that a whopping 386kg - about €15 million worth - of cocaine ended up in the shops from Colombia, described as the "biggest single" coke find ever in the country.

Police spokesman Stefan Redlich said: "Apparently there was a logistical mistake somewhere along the line". No shit.

It's not the first time Aldi's been the unintended destination for the nose sherbet, with about €6 million worth found in banana crates last year. Maybe the traffickers should try a different tactic next time...

[ Via: Sydney Morning Herald]