ZHU shares his new original 'In the Morning' - News - Mixmag

ZHU shares his new original 'In the Morning'

His first original of the year arrives with a video

  • Valerie Lee
  • 25 February 2016

After a period of silence following his 2014 'The Nightday' EP release, the enigmatic ZHU seems to be quickly ramping back up for 2016. In his signature, reticent way, the producer released details for an upcoming North American tour that will kick off during his Coachella debut and today, has released his new original, 'In the Morning'.

Paired with a curious video, 'In the Morning' is reminiscent of the sound that first got ZHU noticed. But without recalling too heavily on 'Faded' and his previous catalogue, 'In the Mind' is an eager offering that balances his already tuned deep house manipulations with a new direction that we're guaranteed to see more of in the coming year.

See the video for 'In the Morning' below.

Valerie Lee is Mixmag's West Coast Editor. Follow her on Twitter

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