Yaeji releases video for new single, ‘Easy Breezy’ - News - Mixmag

Yaeji releases video for new single, ‘Easy Breezy’

The music video follows Yaeji and her dog Jiji riding around Brooklyn on a scooter

  • Words: Becky Buckle | Photo: Guarionex Rodriguez Jr
  • 8 November 2023
Yaeji releases video for new single, ‘Easy Breezy’

Yaeji has released a new single titled ‘Easy Breezy’.

The single comes along with a fun music video following Yaeji and her dog Jiji riding around Brooklyn on a scooter.

Combining Japanese and Korean musical inspiration, Yaeji reflects on her previous work in the new track as she pulls lyrics from her discography.

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She talks about the influences and lyrics in a statement which reads: “‘Easy Breezy’ feels like a sequel that weaves a thread through my past releases (and my past selves).

“Learning to let go” - something i learned from ‘For Granted’,'진정한 변화는 (true change) it’s not so easy, it’s not so breezy” - from ‘Submerge FM’”

Yaeji continues: ““한장 한장 기록으로 채운 나의 20대의 일기장을 펼쳐서 (I opened up my diary filled with memories of my 20s)” - from ‘I’ll Remember for you, I’ll Remember for Me’,

““시간이란게 점점더 빨라지며 (time keeps moving faster and faster)” - from ‘29’, “isn’t it so crazy how we pass down what we didn’t want to” - from ‘Done (Let’s Get It)’.”

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She concludes her statement: “Sonically, the song connects a thread between me now and me back in middle school —when I discovered bossa nova, drum and bass, and house through Korean and Japanese pop electronica.

‘easy breezy’ is a thread, a tribute, a recollection of memories, and an encouraging push for us to bring forth change with courage and laughter. we hold the power in our hands, and we should never doubt that. change is now.”

Earlier this year the artist released her debut album ‘With A Hammer’ via XL Recordings made in collaboration with the producer’s friend Dasom.

Watch the music video of Yaeji’s newest release. ‘Easy Breezy’ below.

Becky Buckle is Mixmag's Multimedia Editor, follow her on Twitter

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