There's a documentary on the way about when MDMA was legal in Dallas - News - Mixmag

There's a documentary on the way about when MDMA was legal in Dallas

The production company of former NBA player Steve Nash is behind it

  • Mixmag staff
  • 22 August 2015

Former NBA player Steve Nash is part of a new documentary exploring the effect of legal MDMA in Dallas, Texas back in the 1980s.

The legality of the drug 30 or so years ago - it was sold over the counter - helped fuel a rave phenomenon in the city, influencing the gay scene and college parties, and former Dallas Mavericks player Nash is keen to bring it to the screen as executive producer of the untitled doc.

He said: "Having played in Dallas for six years, I was drawn to this project for its relationship with the city. After poring over the material I found an incredibly unique story with so many vibrant characters and a bold history known as the origin to the rave scene ecstasy culture. Its footprints are now all over the world."

Also onboard is director Dani Oskowitz, who's worked on music videos by Pharrell Williams and Wiz Khalifa, Dallas music producer DJ WishFM and producer Braxton Pope.

[Via: Variety]
[Photo MDMA Team]

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