The Avalanches emerge from the 'Subways' on new track - News - Mixmag

The Avalanches emerge from the 'Subways' on new track

Check out the latest from their upcoming 'Wildflower' LP

  • 22 June 2016

It took 16 years for new material from The Avalanches to arrive but since the release of 'Frankie Sinatra' earlier this month there's been plenty to go around.

The Australian collective have just shared their delightfully smooth latest track 'Subways', a dreamy third official taste from their soon to be released 'Wildflower' LP, due out July 8.

The tune might be familiar to those particularly anticipating the group's second album. A looped section of the sample-driven track had been played when a teaser hotline number was called.

'Subways' joins singles 'Frankie Sinatra' and 'Colours' already released this month.

Check it out below.

Scott Carbines is Mixmag's Australian Digital Content Editor, follow him on Twitter

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