Spotify announces new music-themed video series - News - Mixmag

Spotify announces new music-themed video series

12 original videos will be released over the summer

  • Matt Cooper
  • 10 May 2016

Spotify has announced it will be releasing 12 music-themed videos that feature musical performance, pop culture, animation and musical storytelling.

The videos will only originally be available in the UK, US, Germany and in Spotify's home nation of Sweden. The series will also be free of charge for premium and non-premium subscribers on iOS and Android.

In a statement issued by Spotify's Global Head of Content Partnerships, Tom Calderone, said: "We are developing original content that is rooted in music, pop culture, and animation that is driven by the passion and sense of humor of our audience. We are working with artists, producers and partners who understand that the Spotify audience has a strong connection to artists and wants to go deeper into their worlds, see their performances and expressions, and hear their stories."

The Spotify original videos will include 'Trading Playlists', where two celebrities trade playlists for a day in a bid to discover new music, and 'Generations', where two generations of hip hop stars come together to create modern day versions of their most notable songs.

Tim Robbins and Def Jam Records co-founder Russell Simmons will appear as actors throughout the series.

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