Reading and Leeds festival announce new stage The Aux - News - Mixmag

Reading and Leeds festival announce new stage The Aux

The stage will feature a host of internet personalities through a set of live podcasts, stage takeovers and interactive sets

  • Words: Jamaal Johnson | Photo: Dee McCourt
  • 28 May 2024
Reading and Leeds festival announce new stage The Aux

Reading and Leeds Festival have announced a new stage called The Aux, which will feature a range of internet and social media personalities.

The first-of-its-kind stage will feature a mix of live podcasts, interactive talks, live streams, debates, and other dynamic, hands-on activities, with the festival saying it is a chance to showcase “some of today’s most popular and culturally relevant personalities and providing a new platform in the live sector.”

Some of the acts set to feature on the new stage include comedic personality George Clarke from the podcast The Useless Hotline, Ash Holme, who will perform a live version of Antics with Ash, who will be joined by content creator, presenter and podcast host Ayamé Ponder set to perform her podcast In Ayamé We Trust with special guest Coco Sarel.

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Also on the line-up is Manchester’s The M1 Podcast hosted by Mordz, SK and BillyTheGoat, and “known for platforming rappers, off-the-cuff freestyles as well as huge laughs”

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Talking on the new stage, Melvin Benn the managing director of Festival Republic has said, “The relevance and impact that this new generation of creators has on our culture and audience is undeniable. The Aux stage is a platform to move their brilliant and innovative work onto a live stage.”

He continued, “Music and digital innovation have always gone hand in hand, and this is a new and exciting moment where the online world can connect with the offline, and our audiences can get a bit closer to the faces and voices they know and love.”

Jamaal Johnson is Mixmag's Digital Intern, follow him on Instagram

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