Kendrick Lamar's 'untitled unmastered.' vinyl is coming - News - Mixmag

Kendrick Lamar's 'untitled unmastered.' vinyl is coming

His fourth album will receive a physical release this spring

  • Mixmag Staff
  • 10 March 2016

Kendrick Lamar recently ambushed the world with an eight-track album titled 'untitled unmastered.' as the follow-up to his 'To Pimp a Butterfly' LP that was released almost one year ago.

Lamar originally released his fourth album solely digitally, but now it's set to arrive in physical form. On March 31, CDs will be available, and on May 27, 'untitled unmastered.' will be released on vinyl.

A few limited edition autographed copies have already gone on sale, but most have sold out.

[Via: Pitchfork]

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