These earbuds let you customize the way you hear music - News - Mixmag

These earbuds let you customize the way you hear music

These buds can change the way you experience live music

  • Valerie Lee
  • 14 January 2016

These nifty looking earbuds are offering users a brand new, updated way to experience music. Here Active Listening System has combined the most progressive and on-the-go technology with the simple concept of hearing music the way you want to.

Here got its start as a successful Kickstarter campaign (raising more than $600,000) and advertise the slick looking earbuds as an in-ear audio system. Through an app on your phone, users are able to adjust and fine tune live sounds in their environment. For example, users can change the EQ or decibel level of certain sounds - from increasing the volume on conversations to muting the sound of a baby screeching - which has spurred many to begin calling what the Here earbuds "bionic hearing".

For those who secured a Coachella ticket, Doppler Labs is offering an exclusive first opportunity (besides Kickstarter participants) to purchase and use Here. Doppler Labs will reportedly be integrating Here into several Coachella stages for certain live performances, offering Here users certain presets to hear music in a specifically designed way.

Here aims to have a final product available to the masses by the end of the year and are estimating that each pair of earbuds will cost you about $200-$300. For those with Coachella invites, the earbuds are available in black or white for $199.

The earbuds are wireless and have up to five hours of battery life, but the included case offers an internal charge with yet another 10 hours.

[Via: Mashable]

Valerie Lee is Mixmag's West Coast Editor. Follow her on Twitter

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