Expect a new Deadmau5 album to be ready by January - News - Mixmag

Expect a new Deadmau5 album to be ready by January

He says he's getting down to work once his new in-house studio is completed

  • Mixmag staff
  • 20 July 2015

Deadmau5 is planning to kickstart 2016 with a new album.

The only musical content we've had from him over the last few months are a few snippets on SoundCloud, but he let a Twitter user know he's "going into winter hibernation" and "should have a new album done by January" once his studio is completed.

As ever, the Canadian was more than happy to share a picture of where the studio's at now, as well as a blueprint, and it doesn't come as much of a surprise that it's in the shape of his mouse head.

Always good to have a plan... This one looks oddly familiar tho.

A photo posted by deadmau5 (@deadmau5) on

Wonder if he'll be making any techno similar to what he played in New York in June...

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