Erykah Badu shares Yeezy remix ‘Trill Friends’ - News - Mixmag

Erykah Badu shares Yeezy remix ‘Trill Friends’

The remix of Kanye West’s ‘Real Friends’ is from her forth coming mixtape ‘THIS $h!t TOO EASY’

  • Taylor McCormick
  • 13 January 2016

Erykah Badu is a force to be reckoned with in 2016. Immediately following the release of her new mix '+++BEATS BEES LIKE FOR B-BOYS AND B-GIRLS+++' she's laying down a sick Kanye West remix.

'Trill Friends' is a downtempo track sampling lyrics from Whodini's 'Friends' and beats from Kanye's 'Real Friends', that she made while she was supposed to be "recording something else".

The release of the track comes with the announcement that plans for her new mixtape 'THIS $h!t TOO EASY' are well under way.

As for Kanye, his eagerly anticipated album ' SWISH' is due to drop February 11.

Take a listen to the track below.

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