DASCO asks us to 'Feel My Love' on her new single - News - Mixmag

DASCO asks us to 'Feel My Love' on her new single

The bumping cut marks the second on her imprint, Bisexuality Exists

  • Words: Niamh Ingram | Photography: Silvestras Polinauskas
  • 12 August 2023
DASCO asks us to 'Feel My Love' on her new single

Berlin-based DASCO has shared her new single, 'Feel My Love'.

The second release on her imprint Bisexuality Exists - following acid house bumper 'Get High With Me' - 'Feel My Love' opens with a fierce breakbeat before launching into a catchy synth hook and fully fuelled UK rave soundscape.

It wouldn't be a DASCO cut without a sultry vocal, and delivered in a mantra-like style echoing the title, woozy synths sweep across with added drum beats before a drop brings the track to a crescendo.

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"When I made this track I thought about the great power of love and about the fact that love always wins," the producer and DJ tells Mixmag. "I thought about pure love, unconditional love. It can be quite difficult to find this kind of love but when you do — it is the most beautiful thing in the world."

Not only is Bisexuality Exists a space for sharing music, but it also models as a space to normalise bisexuality, opposing biphobia and those claiming it is "a phase".

"I set up the label to support women, non-binary and the LGBTQ+ community," DASCO told Mixmag in summer 2022 following the label's launch. "Bisexuality Exists aims to spread love, happiness, peace and unity. My aim is to normalise bisexuality in today’s society. I want to inspire people to live how they feel. As a bisexual, it’s important for me to campaign against biphobia and bi-erasure. We are all equal regardless of our sexual choices."

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Earlier this year, she released her EP 'Powerful Woman' via Shall Not Fade, once more brimmed with her signature positivity and empowerment.

And back to the present, you can listen to DASCO - 'Feel My Love' now here.

Niamh Ingram is Mixmag's Weekend Editor, follow her on Twitter

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