Back to business: Studio 338 is reopen and ready for summer
Following a devastating fire, the club has unveiled its Garden area in time for the London sun
1 Mad Rey ‘Quartier Sex’
With the line-up under wraps, it isn't until we step foot on the freshly-laid astroturf that we discover who's playing. Arriving at the tail end of a B2B vinyl set between Colin Chiddle and Raphael Carrau, we are greeted by a crisp maroon Void set-up. At 5:30pm, the system swaps from punching out heady grooves to sunny house with beefy low-end, as Panorama Bar regular Dinky takes control and has her first proper "moment".
2 Celeda ‘The Underground’
By now the crowd feel back at home and the sun only hides away during occasional cloudy intervals. Dinky keeps spirits up with bouncy house cuts and acid-tinged selections. After eyeing up the burgers on offer we quickly get back down the front when 'The Underground' rolls into the air. Chicago-born Celeda is better known for working with Danny Tenaglia on ‘Music Is Tthe Answer’, but the singer achieved a higher dance chart place three years later with this stormer.