cMiami Sabotage!
Miami’s club scene is famously one of the most cut throat in the world
“We were supposed to have a partnership with a venue in Miami,” a promoter remembers. “There are no contracts in Miami nightlife. Everything is handshakes and emails, and we had gotten what we thought was pretty much a done deal. We started mapping out who we wanted to book with them so that they could start reaching out, and they literally stole our entire party’s playbook, probably 15 different artists. They took those artists, they put them on another night, then they cancelled our night altogether.”
“It’s pretty much known fact that, essentially, a legal bribe is to hire off-duty cops,” the promoter said. “You have off-duty cops hired because then, if other cops come to end the party, the off-duty cops clear them out, and if not, they don’t get paid.”
“A certain club owner opened a club on [REDACTED] street,” one veteran said. “He was moving to a new building, but before he moved out of the old one he poured concrete down all the toilets. If he’d just left it, the landlord could have rented it to somebody else who could have opened there on the cheap and competed with him. So he made sure!”