Meet the woman who wants to revolutionise the UK's approach to club drugs
Fiona Measham's charity The Loop is spearheading drugs safety
So Manchester police has allowed drugs testing at WHP. Will other police forces begin to follow and allow this?
Yes definitely. The police are really supportive and I've had at least five police forces approach me asking me to do testing at festivals. In fact, the idea for city centre pop-up kiosks came from a police officer who asked me to do it in their city centre. I was very surprised and disappointed at the fabric review with how relations have deteriorated between the club and the police. That's not my experience; I work very closely with the police all the time and they are so supportive of my drugs testing.

How can grass roots initiatives influence UK drugs policy?
Change is happening in the regions, and from the grassroots. It's not an accident I think that the most interesting experiment in cannabis decriminalisation is happening in Durham, which is about as far away from Westminster as you can get before Scotland. And the first festival to allow us to have their drugs tested and to have us tweet the results was at Kendal in the Lake District, which is similarly far away from Westminster. You have to ask why the most radical things are happening in relatively rural areas, compared to the great international metropolis of London. I think the answer has to be vested interests around politics and property. People can do things a bit differently away from the centre, and they are which is exciting.