July: 6 bass & club releases you need to hear this month
Ikonika, Chino Amobi, Umfang and more
Album of the month
Ikonika 'Distractions' (Hyperdub)
Hyperdub mainstay Ikonika returns to the scene with her first LP in four years. It’s a dazzling array of grime, r’n’b and hip hop influenced beats, but with the artist putting her own distinctive spin on the tropes she’s working with. ‘Manual Decapitation’ orbits around the listener, propelled by wubby drops and crackling snares, while ‘Not Actual Gameplay’ beeps and whizzes along for a nice respite. ‘Hazefield’, featuring Night Slugs affiliate Sweyn J and fellow Hyperdub artist Jessy Lanza, has wispy vocals floating over spacey pads. It’s not an exaggeration to call each song exquisite; Ikonika is someone who absolutely is aware of the full spectrum of her influences and takes each sound to its fullest potential. ‘Distractions’ is modern club music that acknowledges its history while still moving it forward, courtesy of one of the best in the game.