Ibiza Workers: 7 DJs tell us how they spent their summers before they were famous
We've got pictures too
Some of today's best DJs have served their time as Ibiza workers. We rounded up some of their memories to entertain – and possibly to inspire...

Laura Jones
Employment History: PR for Café Mambo / Remembering the Summer of: 2005
My best friend Ruth and I went to Ibiza for a weekend after graduating in 2005. We got back to the UK after an amazing trip and thought, 'what are we doing?' So we turned around and jumped on a flight back to Ibiza. I managed to fluke a job PRing for Café Mambo in San An, while Ruth got a job at Savannahs next door.
One Monday, we set off to do some flyering before Circo Loco. On the way there, we were taking a short cut across some scrubland when a couple of guys on a motorbike zoomed past and grabbed Ruth's handbag. We were left with two choices, stay home and be miserable in our apartment, or find a way to get to DC10. Obviously we decided to go to DC10.
We blagged a lift there and afterwards went to a villa party in the mountains. Mid-morning, we realised we were due back at work. Unable to afford a taxi, we decided to walk, but the walk took literally the entire day; hour after hour trudging the roads in the blistering heat without any water. Needless to say we missed work and looked and felt like we'd crossed the rave desert and back by the time we got home. Ouch in more ways than one.