Ten breathtaking festival locations
Dance music with a view
2 Day Zero

Moon Valley, Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Day Zero takes place amid the Mexican jungle in Playa del Carmen, on the grounds of a Mayan-inspired theme park that never opened to the public.
Consisting of three Mayan temples, two cenotes, various swimming pools and a stack of other structures inspired by Mayan culture, the site is the closest you'll ever get to raving in one of the oldest civilisations on earth.
Crosstown Rebels head Damian Lazarus runs the 24-hour shindig, which all started to mark the beginning of a new human era, back when the Mayans believed it to be the end of the world in 2012. Obviously it didn't end. But the Mayans still return here to host multiple ceremonies to celebrate their ancient practices and Damo brings along some of the biggest techno stars on the planet.

Day Zero takes place early January