December: 18 albums you need to hear this month
KiNK, Roman Flügel, Anja Schneider and more
Andrew Hung 'Realisationship' (Lex Records)
Andrew Hung has moved as far away from his Fuck Buttons roots as is possibly imaginable. Once immersed in the nebulous electronic noise of the duo’s respective outside projects – Hung’s Dawn Hunger and bandmate Ben Power’s Blanck Mass – those two offshoots peaked with being featured in the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony. Hung’s new undertaking, however, is something else entirely: recorded and produced by himself, it’s a bizarre turn into wobbly indie rock. Reminiscent of a clumsier kind of guitar-drums-bass (plus synths) arrangement, the only remnant of Hung’s Fuck Buttons days is the privileging of drums in the mix. The rest of this unexpected foray is a trip into a post-punk and synth-pop past that needs no repeating. Steph Kretowicz